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Open-File Report 02-100

Geologic Interpretation of aeromagnetic maps in the Santa Cruz basin -Patagonia Mountains area, south-central Arizona

By V.L. Rystrom, C.A. Finn and Trude V.V. King

Reduced to the pole aeromagnetics with faults overlain by geologyIntroduction

High resolution aeromagnetic data for the Santa Cruz basin - Patagonia Mountains region of south-central Arizona (USGS, 2000) can be combined with geologic mapped regions to reconfirm known geologic features, extend known features, and suggest new possibilities. These include mapping of lava flows, mapping of igneous intrusions, mapping of faults, and the mapping of basement rocks which lie beneath sediments. The processed maps of interest for a geologic interpretation include the reduced-to-the-pole magnetic map (Phillips, Plate 3), the depth estimate by the horizontal gradient method (Phillips, Plate 6), and the basin depth estimates map.

First posted March 20, 2002

For additional information, contact:
Crustal Geophysics and Geochemistry Science Center
Federal Center, Box 25046, MS 964
Denver, CO 80225-0046

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Suggested citation:

Rystrom, V. L.; Finn, C. A.; King., T. V. V., 2002, Geologic Interpretation of aeromagnetic maps in the Santa Cruz basin —Patagonia Mountains area, south-central Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 02-100,


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